Arnaud Larher Paris — Brand Key Visual

Now, which one shall we eat first? — In front of us were blissful sweets that were too good to choose from, including rich, chocolate-scented specialties, Japan-only entremets, and flavorful chocolates. It marked the beginning of a very luxurious and dreamy moment. The gentle smell of coffee envelops you and makes your heart leap for that magic sip. I have to reward myself for always working hard! And I have to bring this happiness to that person, too!

For the main visual for Japan, the theme was set as "A Rewarding Afternoon Tea for You," condensing the brand's elegant and colorful worldview.Enjoy the taste of ARNAUD, which has been awarded the M.O.F., the highest French decoration for artisans!

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「さて、何からいただこうかしら?」 濃厚なショコラが香るスペシャリテのトゥールーズ・ロートレックや日本限定のタルト・パリ・トーキョー、風味豊かなチョコレートの数々など、どれも素敵で選べない至福のスイーツたちが勢揃い。とっても贅沢で夢見心地なひとときのはじまりです。 やさしいコーヒーの香りに包まれながら魔法のひとくちに思いを馳せて、いつもがんばるワタシにご褒美をあげなくっちゃ! ああ、この幸せ、だれかにもお届けしたくなっちゃう。日々の中に訪れたほんの少しの幸せが、あなたや大切なあの人の時間を豊かに彩りますように—。

ARNAUD LARHERは、グランシェフ・アルノー・ラエールの名を冠したパティスリー。フランスの職人のための最高位の勲章「M.O.F」の授賞歴もある随一のパティシエ・ショコラティエで、素材の個性を五感でたのしめる繊細で美しいクリエイションが魅力です。日本向けメインビジュアルでは、テーマを「ワタシのためのご褒美アフターヌーンティー」と定め、ブランドの上品で彩り豊かな世界観を凝縮しました。 ボナペティ!


Release: 2020
Client : Arnaud Larher Japon
Great CMO: Murakami-san

Inowe of INTRO
Brand visualization / Graphic Design / and more...
Inowe thanks everyone on the team.

Aya Kawachi
Photograph / Resourceful ideas / and more...
Someone who creates an open atmosphere for the team.

Kentaro Fujimoto
Graphic Design, Photography Direction and more...
Deal with the situation calmly and lead to the goal.

This visual was created by a great group of people, led by CMO Murakami-san.
In addition to the creators listed above, the cooperation of ARNAUD's patissiers was essential.
One person cannot do it well, and no clear credits can be set because there are no boundaries to the work.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved.